Top Picks for ProTRR

ProTRR has been awarded the “Top Picks in Hardware and Embedded Security”. ProTRR is the first principled in-DRAM mitigation against Rowhammer attacks. It has heavily influenced the design of follow-up work on secure mitigations in both academia and industry. From the award website, Top Picks recognizes the best of the best in hardware security, spanning…

Best BSc thesis award for Max Wipfli

The bachelor thesis of Max Wipfli on building Rowhammer attacks on AMD CPUs has won a best BSc award in the department. Congratulations! The new attack, that we called ZenHammer, could also trigger the first publicly known DDR5 bit flip on AMD Zen4-based platform. We later published an extended version of Max’s thesis at USENIX…

Jochen Liedtke award for Kaveh Razavi

Kaveh Razavi received the Jochen Liedtke Young Researcher Award at EuroSys’24. The award was created in 2014 by ACM EuroSys to reward junior European researchers who have demonstrated exceptional creativity and innovation in systems research, broadly construed. Kaveh was awarded for “his countless and fundamental high-​​impact contributions to systems security”.

Best Paper Award for Phantom

Phantom won the best paper award at MICRO’23! Phantom shows the security implications of pre-decode speculation that is fundamental in achieving high performance. Phantom explains the root-cause of previous transient execution attacks such as Retbleed or Spectre-SLS and it can also be used as a building block in other attacks, such as Inception.

Golden owl for COMSEC

The student association of ETH Zurich has awarded D-ITET’s 2022 Golden Owl to the COMSEC group for good teaching. According to the feedback, the students appreciated our efforts around the revamped Computer Engineering course in the ITET’s BSc program which features a new educational OS kernel that runs on top of RISC-V CPUs. Kudos to…

QIF Europe award

Patrick Jattke was awarded the Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship Europe for his research proposal on using machine learning techniques to improve Rowhammer testing. The competition was fierce, with Patrick’s proposal being the only one that was awarded in the cyber security domain. Qualcomm’s press release with the description of Patrick’s project can be found here.