COMSEC is the computer security group of the Department of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (D-ITET) at ETH Zürich. COMSEC is led by Prof. Kaveh Razavi.
Our main research goal is the construction of reliable and secure computing systems. To this end, our research often touches on all layers of the computing stack, from software, all the way down to hardware. We use novel analysis techniques to better understand the attack surface of modern systems and when appropriate, we build systems that can withstand different classes of attacks. We regularly publish our results at top computer architecture, systems and security conferences, and our work has won multiple prestigious grants, best papers and industry awards over the years. Examples include an ERC starting grant, a Dutch Veni, Jochen Liedtke young researcher award, best paper awards at S&P and MICRO, and no fewer than five Pwnies. Please refer to our publications to see some examples of our research.
We are also committed to high-quality education within D-ITET in the area of computer systems and security.